Meet Sohaila
In early two thousand, Sohaila Zivari’s literary life started. Sohaila declared she would pursue her childhood dream of becoming a writer. However, it wasn’t until the year two thousand and six that she dived in and wrote—beginning with a satirical play in Farsi titled Fati and Paasdaar. In the summer of two thousand eleven, she published her first book in English, Clay, Fire, and the Potter, an historical novel based on the life and works of the great Sufi poet, Rumi. As writers sometimes do, she put the book on the back burner for twenty years. But it is now available on Amazon! Her second novel, A Bath House in the Garden of Adolescence—a long poem and, like her first novel, birthed out of her Iranian upbringing and culture. It was published on October 2014—also available on Amazon.
Currently, Sohaila the writer, is working on composing her forthcoming new works. The Dancing Figments, which is based on her childhood memories, The Owl, a fictional story based on ancient Zoroastrian and pre-Zoroastrian mythology, and A Russian Epic, based on her mother’s life stories. She appears on stage from time-to-time and has an ongoing collaboration with The Braid cultural organization , formerly known as Jewish Women’s Theatre. Sohaila resides in Los Angeles with her husband and enjoys life with her children, and especially has a grand time with her grandsons.